Flight Mechanics I and II

New aircraft are usually designed with the requirement in mind of transporting a certain payload (usually consisting of passengers or freight) over a given distance. Aircraft performance calculations verify that the new design meets these requirements. The lecture Aircraft Performance (Flight Mechanics I) treats the basics of these performance calculations. Initially the aircraft's drag polar and thrust characteristics are introduced. They are then used to describe characteristic flight states, such as straight & level flight, climbing flight and turning flight. The flight envelope of an airplane can then be described using models of these flight states. The lecture finishes with discussing the take-off and landing phases of flight.

The lecture Flight Dynamics (Flight Mechanics II) treat the aircraft as a dynamic system and requires fundamentals taught in Aircraft Performance. Equilibria of forces and moments are introduced to discuss the aircraft's longitudinal and lateral motion. Trimming and linearizing the resulting equations of motion allows for further analysis. The lecture discusses the airplane's eigenbehavior and input responses. It is the aim of the lecture to teach the fundamentals required for designing active flight control systems.

Picture: FSR TU Darmstadt

FM I and II are elective courses aimed at students of Mechanical and Process Engineering

Students of other courses are welcome to participate if they meet the prerequisites of their courses of study. Each course totals six ECTS credit points.

Aircraft Performance (Flight Mechanics I) is held every winter term. Flight Dynamics (Flight Mechanics II) is held every summer term. Each course consists of a two-hour lecture and one-hour exercise per week. Lectures are held by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Klingauf.

Flight Mechanics I (taught in German)

Flight Mechanics II (taught in German)

Flight Mechanics I

  • The exam in “Flight Mechanics I” is a written exam. It is offered at the end of each term.
  • Duration of written examination: 2h
  • Allowed tools: 1 sheet (DIN A4) handwritten formulatory and a non-programmable calculator

Flight Mechanics II

  • As of April 2014 the examinations in “Flight Mechanics II” are purely oral. While the exam consisted of a brief written component in the past, this written component is not tested anymore.
  • Examinations are usually held in groups of three students. The oral exam lasts approximately 20 minutes per student.
  • Allowed tools: none
  • It is necessary to register first via Moodle for an oral examination date! Afterwards, a registration in TUCaN is required. (Please note: An application for the oral examination in TUCaN without a prior registration via Moodle is invalid).
  • The examination dates will be published via Moodle.

Please register for this lecture at the e-learning portal Moodle. There you can download the lecture notes and find current information regarding the lecture dates.