The IMPETUS (Information Management Portal to Enable the inTegration of Unmanned Systems) focuses on the analysis of future information management requirements for the safe and efficient integration of unmanned systems into the lower airspace (below 150 meters). For this purpose, technologically and economically feasible services for flight preparation and execution will be developed and implemented experimentally.
Both in Europe and globally, an increase in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles can be expected in the coming years. However, in order to ensure the trouble-free and parallel operation of manned and unmanned aviation, an integrated traffic management solution is necessary that deviates from the traditional approach of air traffic control. With this in mind, the EU is promoting the development of U-space, a European traffic management solution for unmanned aerial vehicles.
Information Management
IMPETUS contributes to the U-space by studying information-based services that meet the needs of airspace users at all stages of the operational life cycle and support the automated design of unmanned air transport: starting with strategic mission planning, data provision (e.g. weather, aeronautical information, risk assessment, trajectory analysis, etc.) immediately before, during and after the flight, up to system-wide air traffic observation and management.
The challenges here are the identification of data and service gaps and the combination of existing, heterogeneous sources. Due to the high degree of digitalisation and automation in the services, uncertainties that arise and already exist must be taken into account. In addition, technological and regulatory developments in the coming years must be anticipated and taken into account in the appropriate context.
Integration in the U-space concept
In order to ensure a scalable, flexible and economically successful system, IMPETUS is evaluating the use of so-called microservices within the U-space. In contrast to conventional, monolithic software development, modularization contributes to the fact that individual adaptations can be implemented with less effort, since the overall system is not affected by changes. In addition, individual modules can be scaled according to capacity and demand, resulting in a more efficient use of resources.This requires the description of a holistic system architecture and clearly defined interfaces. Furthermore, it enables the simultaneous integration of different data sources and service providers. However, the design also needs to consider high latency, which can result from the necessary data exchange routines in a distributed IT-system.
The partners in the research consortium are a group of international companies with great expertise in the field of manned and unmanned aeronautics: Altitude Angel (UK), Boeing Research and Technology Europe (ES), C-Astral (SI), CRIDA (ES), INECO (ES), Jeppesen (DE) and Darmstadt University of Technology (DE).
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 763807
Public Reports
IMPETUS. “Drone Information Users' Requirements, H2020-SESAR, RPAS 02 – Drone Information Management, April 2018.
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IMPETUS. ”Drone Information Services, H2020-SESAR, RPAS 02 – Drone Information Management, July 2018.
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Michael Büddefeld M.Sc.
work +49 6151 16-21073
L1|01 566
Otto-Berndt Strasse 2
Hugo Eduardo M.Sc.
work +49 6151 16-21079
L1|01 566
Otto-Berndt Strasse 2