Regrettably, this semester will not feature a Concurrent Engineering tutorial due to organizational constraints!
This course if offered in English only!
Concurrent Engineering (CE, also referred to as “Concurrent Design”) is a method for efficient collaboration in a multidisciplinary team. Supported by purpose-built infrastructure in terms of both hard- and software, the goal of so-called “CE studies” is to iteratively develop conceptual solutions for complex technical systems at the earliest stages of development. While the methodology and toolset are generally applicable to many different domains, CE is most notably applied within the space sector (ESA “Concurrent Design Studies”, NASA “Team X Sessions”).
This tutorial presents principles, processes, methods, and tools of Concurrent Engineering (CE) and provides a hands-on learning experience by applying these methods to the preliminary design of a space system (CubeSat mission) in TU Darmstadt’s on the Lichtwiese campus. Concurrent Engineering Lab (CEL)
The course is offered every winter semester and is worth 4CP.