Automatic Control

Automatic control is the research area and theoretical base for mechanization and automation, employing methods from both mathematics and engineering. A central concept is that of the system which is to be controlled, such as a rudder, propeller or an entire aircraft. The systems studied within the lecture “Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik” (SRT) are mostly linear systems.

SRT is a mandatory course for Bachelor students of Mechanical- and Process Engineering with 6 Credit Points. Lectures and exercises are held in winter semester.

The course consists of a weekly 3h lecture, 1h classroom exercise and 2h group exercise. Exams are held both in summer and winter semester.

The lectures are held by Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Klingauf, assisting research associates is Lukas Biesalski M.Sc.

Lecture (winter semester):

  • Mondays from 5:10 till 5:55 PM in lecture hall L4|02/1+2
  • Tuesdays from 9:50 till 11:30 AM in lecture hall S1|01/A1

Classroom exercise (winter semester):

Mondays from 6:05 till 6:50 PM in lecture hall L4|02/1+2

Group exercise (winter semester):

Dates for group exercises can be seen on our Moodle platform

Written exam consultation hours (winter semester):

The dates for the exam consultation hours are listed on our Moodle page

Seat arrangement and information regarding the exam will be announced about one week before examination via Moodle

Approved test aid material: Calculator, formular sheet (handout only)

The consultation hours offered by the assisting research associates are for both questions with regards to content as well as organizational purposes. Please register for the organisation beforehand by e-mail and send your questions about the preparation of the consultation hours.

Dates and times:

  • Tuesdays 15:00h to 16:00h by video conference (Tilman Strampe)
  • Wednesdays 15:00h to 16:00h by video conference (Lukas Biesalski)

We offer additional consultation hours for the preparation of the examination in the winter semester. You can find the dates on our Moodle platform.

If you plan a semester abroad, please make sure – at an early state – which lectures you will visit to achieve an approval in “Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik”. We are pleased to help you with this. Please contact .