Foundations of Space Systems

Space systems are amongst todays most complex technical systems. They fulfil their mission only through a well-defined interaction of various system elements, in a very special and challenging environment.

The lecture “Foundations of Space Systems” shall present the basics to understand, design and operate space systems. It addresses history and evolution of space flight, its utilization, the specific environment in space, the Ziolkowsky equation, foundations of orbit mechanics and orbit control, as well as the different subsystems for space systems in an overview.

Foundations of Space Systems is held every winter term. The course consists of a two-hour lecture per week. It is a core course aimed at master students of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Students of other subjects are welcome to participate if they meet the prerequisites of their courses of study. The course totals four ECTS credit points. Lectures are held by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Bertrand (Senior Strategic Officer at ESA/ ESOC and cooperate professor at TU Darmstadt, FSR).

Lecture: Friday, 10:00h – 11:30h in L4|01/201 (Hörsaal- und Medienzentrum (HMZ), 2nd floor)

Beginning of the course: Friday, October 25, 2024

Please visit the e-learning platform Moodle for an overview of all lecture dates.

An excursion to European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt is possible at the end of the course (around beginning/mid-February). The number of places is limited and a prior registration is recommended. Further information will be available during the lecture.

  • The FoSS exam is a written exam
  • Duration of the exam: 1h30
  • Seat arrangement and information regarding the exam will be announced about one week before examination via Moodle
  • Tools: Calculator, formular sheet (handout only)
  • Information about the examination procedure under Corona Conditions can be found here

Please register for the lecture in TUCaN. After that, you will be automatically granted access to the e-Learning portal Moodle. All available lecture materials will be ready for download in Moodle. You will receive current information regarding the lecture via email after your registration.

To access the central Moodle system of the e-learning center at the HRZ of TU Darmstadt, you only need your TU-ID credentials. Please use your TU-ID without any additional context as your username (Example: “ab12ebob.stud.tu” – Moodle: “ab12ebob”). A video tutorial for login and course registration is available. If you encounter any issues with the activation or use/management of your TU-ID, you can find assistance at the HRZ.