Basics of Navigation I and II

This lecture gives a comprehensive overview of the entire field of navigation as corresponding to the state of the art in aviation applications. The multifaceted integration of the navigation sensors in the flight control systems is outlined.

By means of an interesting example with a practical orientation, many facets of complex control systems are addressed. Apart from pure specialized knowledge of navigation, the lecture aims to convey a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between sensors and actuators.

Basics of Navigation I and II are compulsory optional subjects resulting in four credit points each. Part I is given in the summer term and Part II, in the winter term, comprising each two hours of lecture and one hour of tutorial per week. Oral examinations take place by appointment.

Lecturers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Beyer. Scientific Assistant: Tilman Strampe, M.Sc


  • Wednesday 16:00 – 17:30, in L1 01/424K (you can find the exact dates in the Moodle course)

Consultation hour

  • On appointment!

Examination in Navigation Fundamentals I and II

  • oral Examination (after prior appointment)