Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Bertrand
work +49 6151 16-21047
L1|01 567
Otto-Berndt Strasse 2
Prof. Dr. Bertrand began holding the lecture "Foundations of Space Systems" in the 2015/16 Winter Semester.
Reinhold Bertrand, born in 1964, studied aerospace engineering at Stuttgart University and the „Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace“ (ENSAE, nowadays ISAE) in Toulouse/France. He graduated in 1991 („Dipl.-Ing“). After a first professional year in France, he joined the Space Systems Institute at Stuttgart University as a research engineer, where he got his doctoral degree “Dr.-Ing” on the subject of “Conceptual Design and Flight Simulation of Space Stations”. From 1997 to 2004 he conducted the space systems design and robotics activities at von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH (Schwetzingen/Germany), before he joined the European Space Agency ESA/ESOC. Today, he is heading the Research and Technology Management Office in Darmstadt, being in charge of managing all R&D activities at ESOC.
Prof. Dr. Bertrand has a multi-year experience in academic, industrial and institutional sectors of space. His focus has been on design, development and simulation of complex space systems, addressing small satellites, space stations, as well as robotic systems for planetary and interplanetary exploration. He has a more than 20 year experience of academic teaching and was supporting respective lectures and workshops in an international context (ENSAE/ISAE Toulouse, International Space University Strasbourg). He is co-author of several book publications on space stations and space systems design.